
Posted by adrionna on Jul 23, 2010 in Wisdom and Life |

Weakness…. is beautiful. I think it serves as a reminder that I’m doing an okay job at this whole life thing.. Maybe I’m not so self-absorbed in the awesomeness that lives in me to find a (sometimes uncomfortable) appreciation for the greatness in others as well. I’m learning that I can’t be so focused on me that I miss the amazing things that others have to say.

         I’m beginning to realize that being strong doesn’t mean that I never get weak. Weakness is merely an inevitable symptom of my strength. For example, thinking about my four (now finished) long years of high school and my relentless efforts when it came to succeeding in all I did – feeling tired at the end of the week was just an effect of how hard I worked (which I was very much rewarded for later in the form of scholarships and grants to my first-choice university). We call this tire “weakness,” but I think it’s really just a sign to recharge and begin again after some R&R. It’s simply the light on the dashboard turning on, signaling the driver (i.e. me) to relax for a little bit.. to figure out what’s going on, what I need to change, what I should probably improve in, what I’m doing really well in.. a total evaluation of my life. If everything were to go well all the time, how would we know something needed fixing? It’s like fighting through a pain in your arm — had you gotten it checked out earlier, it wouldn’t be broken now. Reflection is necessary, and this necessity becomes apparent when the feelings of weakness surface. I believe, however, that these feeling are gifts [just ones that I don’t feel I need at the time (but grow to appreciate later)].


..is an awareness of my character, and the knowledge of how beautiful a fragile heart really is.  A person might be called “weak,” if they can’t stand up to another because they don’t want to say something that they wouldn’t like to hear. A person might be labeled “weak,” if they don’t want to intimidate someone to receive something in return (think of a bribe gone wrong – Mr. “Weak” just couldn’t do what his boss wanted — blackmail -or some other creative form of corruption- the business guy). This leads into my belief that there is nothing wrong with caring too much. I wish people would realize that. Caring “too much” isn’t a bad thing. It makes you step down from your pedestal and gives you a chance to look around and set yourself on an equal level with others, even if everyone’s on a differently decorated mountain top. It lets you take time to look into another’s eyes and recognize how beautiful they are, both physically and on the inside.

Everyone is beautiful.
Everyone is weak.
Now if everyone would just recognize that,

we’d be strong enough to hold each other up when life tries to tear us down.



is strength.


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